During her visit to Senegal, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, stated this Thursday that the European Union will invest 150 billion euros in infrastructure in Africa.

The initiative, which is part of the European plan Global Gateway (in English, Global Gate), will be discussed during the Summit with the African Union next week.

«At the summit, investments will be at the center of the discussions because they are the means to our shared ambitions. “In this area, we are the most reliable partner for Africa and the most important of all,” declared Von der Leyen, who did not offer details on how the money will be raised or spent.

Global Getaway aims to dedicate up to 300 billion euros to infrastructure in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia between now and 2027.

On Wednesday, the head of the community Executive announced a program of additional 125 million to help extend vaccination on the African continent.

For Brussels, this initiative represents "a true alternative" to China's new Silk Road, a country that has made large investments in Africa in the last decade.

Source: Euronews